Black RAS hand guards are coming soon to ERE!
New Images – Special Limited Edition FAMAE Rifles
We’ve finally received a batch of new images from the factory providing you with a closer view of how our new tan version of the Limited Edition FAMAE looks. We’ve broke them ou tinto three slide shows for you to see.
We hope you’re as excited as we are!
FAMAE Special Limited Edition Rifle From ERE
Limited Run FAMAE Rifle
Can you believe we’re on our fifth shipment from FAMAE already? With hundreds and hundreds of our ERE line of FAMAE rifles in the hands of gun enthusiasts already, the response and feedback we’ve received has been overwhelmingly positive.
Sure we’ve had some hiccups dealing with a company on an entirely different continent and with logistics issues regarding shipping, an ever changing exchange rate and coordinating timelines, but the entire time we’ve tried to keep everyone abreast on the progress.
Keeping our clients in the loop and having a great relationship with the factory has afforded us a few luxuries as well.
After our initial shipment dating back almost a year ago to February 2014 we were able to get some immediate feedback from some great owners of the rifles.
Following this we had multiple larger orders arrive throughout 2014 and we received even more feedback and tweaks that we were able to get adjusted and helped improve several areas of the rifles.
Now, it’s time for a special limited time run of our latest custom version for the enthusiast! With only 40 units in total coming into Canada, these won’t last long so you don’t want to miss out.
They will be only available via The Calgary Shooting Centre, so you’ll want to call them today. We have 30 pieces of the SG-540 coming and 10 of the SG-542, so talk to the fellows at CSC to tag one of these for your gun wall!
One more thing, actually several more, these aren’t just a fantastic looking colour, we’ve also made some tweaks to improve them, but you need to get past the picture below to find out about them, so keep reading..
SG-540/542 Series Improvements
First, we’ve noted the problem several people had with the pinned flash hider potentially affecting the aim due to some vibration issues and in general being a pain to deal with. So we’ve turned it into a threaded unit versus being held in via a pin.
By reducing the vibrations caused by using a pin, the harmonics with a threaded version will create a more consistent and accurate grouping. You’ll see this change on all future incoming versions.
Second, optional folding stocks. Many people expressed interest in the folding stocks, but didn’t exactly fall in love with the stock stock… So we are very close to having some custom folding stocks available in the next 30-60 days and these will be available for incoming units or units you may currently own.
Third, and this is the big one, this “Special Edition” version is currently in the queue and we are expecting delivery of these in approximately the next sixty days. With custom colouring, the above mentioned refinements and a look all their own, not only will you be proud to own this version, but you’ll also have the custom version everyone will be talking about!
Here you can finally see some of the early images our people at the factory have sent us. We hope you enjoy!
FAMAE Special Edition – Limited Run Version
ERE Systems – the first supplier of FAMAE SG series of rifles to Canada is excited to announce a special edition of the FAMAE SG-540 we’re hoping to have in Canada within the next three months.
Now all the specifics haven’t been worked out for this FAMAE Special Edition rifle, so the final model and the exact product information are still a bit of a secret, but we do have an early prototype picture we can share,
OK, so really you can’t tell much from the blacked out photo, and we apologize. But due to all the heat that popped up when we were first to market in Canada with the FAMAE rifles we need to maintain a certain level of discretion so we don’t get slagged for basically following all the correct procedures, meeting with our manufacturer a year before any of the competition and having FRT numbers in place over a year earlier than anyone else.
Next thing that will pop up on the forums is that this was someone else’s idea, so we are keeping this one a bit close to the vest for now. We’re eager to hear your thoughts on what this new version may be, so leave us a comment, share the image with your friends and give us some feedback.
ERE Systems
Field Stripping A FAMAE Rifle
How To Disassemble The FAMAE SG-540 and 542 Rifle
There has been a ton of confusion regarding how to disassemble the gas system on the FAMAE rifles. In reality it’s a very simple process and rather than requiring removing one of the bolts, it simply requires a 180 degree rotation of the retaining screw to release the assembly.
To help explain it even better, we finally found some time to put this video showing you a complete disassembly and field stripping of the FAMAE SG-540 rifle. the process for stripping a SG-542 is basically the same so this should answer many of the questions we have been getting.
If you have more questions about the ERE Elite line of FAMAE rifles you can leave us a comment below and this also includes any requests for additional videos you may want!
Also, for those of you looking on clarification of the ERE Elite versions of the FAMAE rifles and some of the back story, check out these articles FRT Clarification – Background on How ERE Systems Became the First supplier of FAMAE SG-540, SG-542 and SG-543 rifles to Canada and About ERE Systems.
FAMAE Rifles After Market Stocks
As the deadline for the finished FAMAE after market stocks gets closer times seems to start zooming by. After what seemed like forever we are finally getting close to having the new after market stocks available for the line of FAMAE rifles we have been bringing into Canada since fall of 2013. Once they are finalized and ready to go, we’ll update you here!
ERE Systems wants to make sure owners of their FAMAE rifles can enjoy them to their utmost and we feel theses new stocks will add to not only the look but the overall satisfaction of our proud FAMAE rifle owners.
It’s early, but here’s one of the pre-production pics,
Early Production Models of Our After Market Stocks
Here are some earlier versions to tempt you as well, note these aren’t the final product, but more of a guideline moving forward, we’ll continue to add pictures of the stocks as we make adjustments and improvements.
Coming “Eventually”? – M203 Grenade Launcher
The M203 Grenade Launcher
The Latest Accessory From ERE Systems
Unfortunately, due to some “adjustments” in the rules pertaining to products like this, we’ve had to suspend moving forward with the launcher. It’s not dead yet, but definitely on hold and in critical status.
Coming eventually, possibly, maybe ERE Systems will be introducing the M203 Grenade launcher system to the Canadian market along with the 40mm Training Round. This under barrel mounting system will help you fully deck out your rifle and with the 40mm Training Rounds you’ll be set .
These training rounds are the training versions of the M433 HE/HEDP rounds and display an orange dry powder marking to help simulate target impact. Keep checking back with us for further updates.
FRT Clarification
SG-54X, FRT’s and ERE – A Clarification
Anyone who has been following some of the recent information that’s been released about the new FAMAE rifles coming into Canada should read this.
The SG 540-1, 542-1 and 543-1 Confusion
Currently ERE Systems has the exclusive rights to the SG 540-1 ERE Elite rifle, the SG 542-1 ERE Elite rifle and the SG 543-1 ERE Tactical Elite rifles. The names in bold are trademarked specifically to ERE Systems. There will be at least one other importer bringing in the FAMAE SG 542-1 potentially later this year, but we hold specific rights to the names in bold and the accompanying FRT numbers.
FRT Status’s
As of July 14th, 2013, ERE Systems has FRT numbers for all of the 54x series rifles listed in bold above. These FRT number’s are as follows:
- SG 540-1 ERE Elite Rifle = FRT No.: 142985-1
- SG 542-1 ERE Elite Rifle = FRT No.: 143000-1
- SG 543-1 ERE Tactical Elite rifle = FRT No.: 143001-1
To our knowledge, again as of July 14th, 2013, no one else currently has FRT number’s yet in Canada for the SG 542-1 rifles from FAMAE (Updated March 4th, a new FRT # has been issued to another distributor for the SG-542 line only, but not the ERE Elite version that we have) . For the FAMAE SG-540-1 and the FAMAE 543-1, we understand we will likely be exclusive for these models in Canada for the next 12 to 18 months due to the time it will take any other importer to get their rifles approved with FRT’s.
ERE Systems Inc.
ERE Systems has been working on getting the appropriate approvals and testing completed on the SG-540-1, SG 542-1 and SG 543-1 dating back to 2011 now. During this time we have put considerable effort and expense out to ensure we have followed all the proper procedures and received the proper trademarks on our products.
At this point our sole source of sale of distribution to the Canadian channel is via The Calgary Shooting Center and as soon as we have solid updates on pricing and deliveries you will be able to obtain updates through both them and this site.
We have added a second distributor who will be coming on line in late March/early April. We thank you for your patience in this regards and we look forward to you enjoying these fantastic rifles as much as we do.
Is The SG-542 a 2 MOA rifle?
The Question of Accuracy
of the FAMAE Line of Rifles?
Over the last few months there has been a great deal of questions in regards to the accuracy of the FAMAE SG 542-1 / SG 540-1 ERE Elite line of rifles. Many shooters have become angry that we have not posted test results.
Now on the verge of delivery of the rifles it’s definitely time to address this issue.
First, there was only one of each rifle build for FRT approval and testing for us. These rifles each have over 4000 rounds fired and only once did they make it to an out door range for testing.
During testing a number of design changes were made in each model before it went into production to provide the best rifle for the North American market. ERE Systems, wanted the very best product going to market, and was not 100% happy with the two prototypes which were in country for trials.
Being a gun enthusiast myself, I wanted to make sure these rifles would be something I would be happy and proud to own. Some of these changes we implemented involved the bolt stop, the trigger & the hammer sets along with several other minor tweaks and improvements.
Regardless of what others may say, these are not stock Chilean military rifles anymore, and are an improved version unique to ERE Systems.
As many true enthusiasts are aware, no two rifles ever shoot alike. This being said, the test rifles we had built, were within the design specification of the Chilean Military, meaning the rifles shot 2 MOA with military ammo.
Note: To achieve the maximum potential from these rifles, they should be fitted with scope / rails and use some form of optical sighting system. Iron sights will not bring out the best in the design. Match grade ammo and hand loading will maximize grouping.
In the coming months, we hope to see the test results from the Canadian shooting community and look forward to the on going evaluation of the ERE Elite line.
Now that the rifles are in peoples hands,
we’ve already had some early reports of the rifle being a 2 MOA
and perhaps as low as a 1.5 at 100 yards, more updates coming.
ERE Systems is Proud to Announce FAMAE Rifles
Will be Available Through Us
ERE Systems and FAMAE (Factories and Armouries of the Chilean Army) are proud to announce ERE Systems has become the only authorized importer of the famed SG-540 ERE Elite series of Chilean FAMAE rifles.
To follow the production updates we’ve created a special page walking you through where the rifles are at. You’ll find pictures of production, some of our special design changes and a few exciting options we’re looking at along with current delivery estimates, just follow this link ERE Elite Rifle Production Updates .
Woohoo! Feb 20th, check out the video!
This Week’s Video – The SG-542 In Action On The Cinema Range
FAMAE Rifle ERE Elite Models
Shortly you’ll be able to order the following rifles:
- SG 540-1 ERE Elite 5.56mm (non-restricted)
- SG 542-1 ERE Elite 7.62mm (non-restricted)
- SG 543-1 ERE Tactical Elite 5.56mm (restricted)
through our retail channels. We’re still just working out the details, so in the meantime contact us via our contact page here, Contact and Info Page For more information contact us directly at FAMAE rifles has over 200 years of work in the defence industry and continues to innovate the industry. FAMAE has become the main technological platform for meeting the demands of the Chilean Army.